View Full Version : [SOLVED] Planning to install. What are the options?

January 19th, 2012, 03:30 AM
Hello i had linux Ubunto version 9.XX before. I did it have it before, however i rarely used it. More of a wanting to try it out.
I tried it out, it worked and it had some cool desktop envirements. That's as far as i got. My motivation back then learn a new OS. I never did learn how to use it.

Anyways I have a spare LOW END machine that will rarely be connected to the internet. On occasions. Anyways is there a guide or post in here that shows the recommended versions or variations of linux?

Should i just start with ubunto? I heard someone mention Lubunto? Should i start with that one or is it too basic?

Bucky Ball
January 19th, 2012, 03:36 AM
Try Xubuntu or Lubuntu 10.04 LTS for low spec machine. That release is most stable and a great place to start. Depending on the specs of your machine Ubuntu may not function (check minimum requirements and match against machine's specs). Try them from the install disk first to see how they go.

Good luck and welcome back. ;)