View Full Version : [ubuntu] Encryption questions

November 18th, 2011, 10:34 AM
I have two questions regarding encryption of the homefolders.

Lets say I encrypt using the default installation encryption for my /home/fredrik folder.

If I choose to mount a cifs/smb volume into /home/fredrik/pictures
That won't encrypt the sub-folders then right?

Another question:
for testing - I now run a small website to play with php/mysql and I can reach it from Internet. I also have a backup on that server for documents and pictures from my laptop as well as my wife's laptop.

If someone hacks into the server using apache/mysql exploits they will most likely have root-privileges and my personal files are compromised. And the encryption I talked about earlier wont prevent this since ubuntu decrypts the volume when I enter my password at logon?

How can I securely store this information. I know I should not have these "backup" on a web server facing Internet, but I have...

November 18th, 2011, 10:55 AM
How can I securely store this information. I know I should not have these "backup" on a web server facing Internet, but I have...

Hej Fredrik!

I don't know if a cifs/smb volume into /home/fredrik/pictures would be available but you can always test it. But instead you can mount it in another directory for example /home/shared.

Yes, if an attacker finds your password you have tough luck :-(

I'd say, do not store personal information on a server that is open to the internet. Store it on some other computer or simply on an external hard drive, that is not connected to your server while connected to the internet!

Kolla vår nya wikisida om säkerhet för nybörjare
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BasicSecurity (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BasicSecurity)
men tänk på att det krävs mycket mer för att säkra en server!

Ha kul på din upptäcktsfärd i linuxrymden :-)