View Full Version : [ubuntu] How to keep Sticky Notes open

November 2nd, 2009, 03:40 PM
hi all!

i have noticed that others have already posted about the subject but they have not been given solutions to the issue, most suggestions were just workarounds, thats why i'd like to ask about this again.

Is there some way to keep the sticky notes open at all times? i am able to have the sticky note app icon appear on the panel, but the notes themselevs close every time i click on the display desktop icon.

what i would want is to leave the notes open at all times so that i wont miss them, because thats the real purpose of having sticky notes, as reminders. i am not using a different sticky note app, what im using is the native sticky note app that comes with jaunty.

thanks in advance.:D

Sir Jasper
November 2nd, 2009, 09:49 PM

Would putting your Sticky Notes on another workspace/desktop help?

This is probably not of direct help, but at least it will bump your query.

My regards

November 2nd, 2009, 10:05 PM
I use xpad (it is in the repositories) for my sticky-notes. I have it start and stay open all the time by going to System> Preferences> Startup Applications and adding it to my list of programs that I want to be running. Click the Add button to get it going. Refer to my attached screenshot for the command to use. The program name and description are what you want them to be. It keeps xpad open through reboots and logout/login.