View Full Version : [SOLVED] Database question

October 14th, 2009, 01:33 AM
This is for a school-planning application I'm writing. I'll try to make it understandable :P I'm pretty much a n00b when it comes to databases, though I think today something finally clicked and I made some progress. :)

I have a database table of students. I would like to keep track of which courses a student is currently taking, but cannot figure out how to store this information in the database. The best idea I've had is adding columns to the table like 'course_one', 'course_two' etc., but this isn't optimal as it imposes a limit on the number of courses a student can take at once and also makes queries awkwarder (more awkward?) like:

SELECT student.last_name, student.first_name, course.name
FROM student, course
WHERE course.name = 'science' AND (course.name = student.course_one OR course.name = student.course_two OR course.name = student.course_three OR course.name = student.course_four

This to list the students that are taking science at the moment. Any suggestions on the best database design to go with here? Is a database even the best way to go? My dad (a programmer, but by his own admission with little experience in databases) suggested XML, which is tempting because I at least understand it halfway decently (you cant't really get any more basic than XML!).

October 14th, 2009, 01:55 AM
What you're suggesting is known as an 1:n relation

1 student can have n courses. Therefore, this problem is solved with 2 tables:

Student 1 ------- * Course

But now, we got a problem, a course can be taken by m students too, so it becomes a m:n relation

Student * ------- * Course

But m:n relations can't exist on a relational database, so a third table is added to normalize (If someone can think a better name for the middle table, go ahead)

has with
Student 1 ------ * Schedule * ------ 1 Course

This is how you should solve this, if you're working with Relational Databases.

On the other hand, a "database" doesn't imply a "relational database" with SQL commands and stuff, a database could be a plain unsorted text file, a bitmap, etc. XML could be easier, since it doesn't require much knowledge about Relational Algebra (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relational_algebra).

October 14th, 2009, 02:23 AM
Ok, so if the student table has

Linus Torvalds
Eric Raymond
Richard Stallman

and the courses table has

Computer Science

then the schedule table might look like

name course
---------- -----------------
Linus Torvalds Math
Eric Raymond Physics
Linus Torvalds English
Richard Stallman Computer Science
Eric Raymond Math
Eric Raymond Computer Science

and to find all students taking math you would do

SELECT name FROM schedule WHERE course = 'math';

and to find all the courses Linus Torvalds is taking you would do

SELECT course FROM schedule where name = 'linus torvalds';

Is this right?

Mentioning the phrase 'many-to-many relationship' helped, a quick google and I had a ton of information!

This actually doesn't seem very complicated. :P Thanks!

October 14th, 2009, 02:31 AM
You usually store a unique id for each value, so you can have random access to the values (either hashing, indexing or sorting). Then, with keys, you can do foreign keys:

id_student (Primary Key)

id_course (Primary Key)

id_student (Foreign Key)
id_course (Foreign Key)

Foreign keys store a relation with the other table, finally, you can obtain all by:

1. Cartesian Product (Expensive)

SELECT student.name, course.name FROM student st, course cr, schedule sch WHERE st.id_student = sch.id_student AND sch.id_course = cr.id_course;

2. Joining (This one depends on the DB engine, and I totally forgot the syntax for each one of them)

The difference between the two, lies in the fact that Cartesian Product joins both tables with all attributes, and then filters them by the WHERE statement.

Whereas, Joining filters, then joins tables, so if you choose the center table and INNER/OUTER LEFT/RIGHT JOIN ON a certain condition, you can get a more efficient result.