View Full Version : [SOLVED] installation from nonprivilleged user?

September 3rd, 2009, 11:12 AM
i have two users on my system: user1 and user2.
user1 is a sudoer, so she can install a package with "sudo apt-get install packageName". no prob.
however, i would like user2 to install a program, but not become a sudoer. obviously, user2 is not allowed to make changes to the entire system, but i would still like her to install a package for her own use.
how does she do it?

September 3rd, 2009, 01:52 PM
Packages cannot be installed for local use. They are only installed globally. If you want to install a program locally you should download it from source and compile it.

When you run configure (if the package uses autotools), use the following command:

./configure --prefix=/home/$USER/compiled_programs/

this will ensure that thethe program will only be installed locally when you run:

make install