View Full Version : Qt c++ templates??

July 19th, 2009, 08:38 AM
i'm using Qt 4.5, created QList templates for lines, arcs which i'll be using to store values and use it to draw at time of exceution,
so after initialization like this, component.h

QList<Line> Lines;
QList<Arc> Arcs;
QList<Area> Rectangles, Ellipses;
QList<Port> Ports;
QList<Text> Texts;
QList<Property> Properties;

then i tried using this in capacitor.cpp file,

void Capacitor::createSymbol()
Lines.append(new Line(-11, -5, -11, -11, QPen(Qt::blue,1)));
Lines.append(new Line(14, -8, -8, -8, QPen(Qt::red,1)));
Lines.append(new Line(-4, -11, -4, -11, QPen(Qt::blue,3)));

Arcs.append(new Arc(4,-12, 20, 24, 16*122, 16*116,QPen(Qt::blue, 3)));

the main declaration of these functions is in element.h,

class Property
QString Name, Value;
bool display;
QString Description;

Property(const QString &_Name= "", const QString &_Value= "", bool _display=false,
const QString &_Description= "")
: Name(_Name), Value(_Value), display(_display), Description(_Description) {}

so when i compile, i get this error,

capacitor.cpp:7: error: no matching function for call to ‘QList<Property>::append(Property*)’
../../qtsdk-2009.01/qt/include/QtCore/qlist.h:422: note: candidates are: void QList<T>::append(const T&) [with T = Property]
../../qtsdk-2009.01/qt/include/QtCore/qlist.h:623: note: void QList<T>::append(const QList<T>&) [with T = Property]
capacitor.cpp:8: error: no matching function for call to ‘QList<Property>::append(Property*)’
../../qtsdk-2009.01/qt/include/QtCore/qlist.h:422: note: candidates are: void QList<T>::append(const T&) [with T = Property]
../../qtsdk-2009.01/qt/include/QtCore/qlist.h:623: note: void QList<T>::append(const QList<T>&) [with T = Property]

how i exactly need to use Lines,Arcs after initialization of templates, or is the templates declaration is wrong??

July 19th, 2009, 09:13 AM
You have declared containers of objects, and then tried to store pointers in them :)

I have never used QT so I don't know if they have their own smart pointers.. but in std C++ with TR1 support I would do:

QList<std::tr1::shared_ptr<Line> > Lines;

otherwise try:

QList<Line*> Lines; ///< Whatever you put in here will need "delete"-ing.

July 19th, 2009, 10:51 AM
QList<Line*> Lines; ///< Whatever you put in here will need "delete"-ing.

yes this declaration works fine, now i'm creating pointers to store value and access them, thanks

July 19th, 2009, 01:33 PM
yes this declaration works fine, now i'm creating pointers to store value and access them, thanks

Why make work by storing pointers, why not just store the object itself?