View Full Version : converting string to floating point numbers

February 18th, 2009, 02:56 AM
I'm quite puzzled by this small program, can someone elaborate why the following program gives different results

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>

///convert string to double
double to_double(std::string a){///@param a is the string to convert.
double str;
std::stringstream ss;
printf("Error converting :\"%s\" will exit\n",a.c_str());
return str;///@return The double value.

///Convert string to float.
float to_float(std::string a){///@param a is the string to convert.
float str;
std::stringstream ss;
printf("Error converting :\"%s\" will exit\n",a.c_str());
return str;///@return The float value.

int main(){
std::string var = "147541611";
printf("%s <-> %f\n",var.c_str(),to_double(var));
printf("%s <-> %f\n",var.c_str(),to_float(var));
return 0;


147541611 <-> 147541611.000000
147541611 <-> 147541616.000000

The to_float function doesn't work but a 9 digit number should still be within the limit of a float?

thanks in advance

February 18th, 2009, 04:46 AM

According to that, floats don't have enough precision for 9 decimal digits. Most of the time, you should use doubles. On some architectures, doubles are actually faster, because single precision calculations are done as double precision and then rounded.

February 18th, 2009, 05:06 AM
@ OP -

The problems you are encountering may stem from the generic use of the std::stringstream, versus using a specialized version, such as std::istringstream.

Try instead:

double to_double(std::string& str)
std::istringstream iss(str);
double dbl;
iss >> dbl;
return dbl;


EDIT: Scratch what I stated above... the problem appears to be with the precision difference between a double and a float.


Alternatively, you can use the C library and a more C++-ish way of doing things:

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>

class Converter
Converter(const std::string& str)
: m_str(str)

operator double() const
return strtod(m_str.c_str(), 0);

operator float() const
return strtof(m_str.c_str(), 0);

std::string m_str;

int main()
Converter conv("147541611");
double dbl = conv;
float flt = conv;

std::cout << "double value = " << dbl << std::endl;
std::cout << "float value = " << flt << std::endl;
std::cout << "double value = " << std::fixed << dbl << std::endl; // with these two statements, the
std::cout << "float value = " << std::fixed << flt << std::endl; // problem reappears

In lieu of strtod() and strtof(), feel free to substitute with the istringstream.