View Full Version : ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘link’ with no type

December 26th, 2008, 06:06 PM
What's going on with this code? It's taken directly out of a textbook by Robert Lafore : OOP in C++. GCC claims "ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘link’ with no type", yet link is defined directly above with a struct... No other errors are given, aside from later references to pointers of type link. The typedef keyword does not make any difference.

// linklist.cpp
// linked list
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct link // one element of list
int data; // data item
link *next; // pointer to next link

class linklist // a list of links
link *first; // pointer to first link
{ first = NULL; } // no first link
void additem(int d); // add data item (one link)
void display(); // display all links

void linklist::additem(int d)
link *newlink = new link; // make a new link
newlink->data = d; // give it data
newlink->next = first; // it points to next link
first = newlink; // now first points to this

void linklist::display()
link *current = first; // set ptr to first link
while (current != NULL) // quit on last link
cout << current->data << endl; // print data
current = current->next; // move to next link

int main()
linklist li;

return 0;

December 26th, 2008, 06:12 PM
Okay.... I replaced all occurrences of 'link' with 'node' and now it is fine. Does anyone know the reason for this? It definitely isn't a reserved word.

December 26th, 2008, 11:21 PM
After 10 minutes of research into your question, I found the answer. "link" is a function name as defined in unistd.h. Refer to the manpage for more detail.

man 2 link

When you include iostream in your application, it in turn includes bits/c++config.h. This file just so happens to include unistd.h, and hence the conflict with the definition it defines and the struct you attempted to define.

Btw, bits/c++config.h is located at the following path under my Fedora 9 system; I do not have my Ubuntu system booted at this time, otherwise I would give you that path.
