View Full Version : Sudan Team

  1. We are here, at last !
  2. hi2all
  3. Mount and Unmount ISO Images into Ubuntu
  4. How to Install Huawei Wireless ETS Modem in Linux
  5. لماذا لا يتم توحيد الجهود العربيه
  6. Wine-Doors - Wine made easy
  7. How to upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10 Beta (Gutsy Gibbon)
  8. Ubuntu 7.10 Desktop Linux Course
  9. كيف أتصل بالسيرفر
  10. فريق اوبونتو العربي
  11. اخر اخبار الفريق العربي
  12. no more problems with your..mDSL
  13. just new , just hi
  14. Unbuntu courses in sudan
  15. Upgrade
  16. Does Sudan Team Die ?
  17. free ubuntu Cd - lo 3ayz ubuntu just email me
  18. مشكلة في الصوت
  19. [SOLVED] Canar Go driver
  20. Separate Gnome from KDE applications
  21. How to use the backspace button with firefox‏
  22. Ubuntu Arabic book
  23. Download videos from Youtube (Utube Ripper)
  24. Howto install rar and 7z support
  25. Where is Sudan Team ?
  26. Free Arabic Ubuntu Course
  27. Working with Gparted
  28. Tricks
  29. Have you tried Ubuntu 9.10 ?
  30. Open Arabic files with gedit
  31. How to fix grub
  32. If you are NEW
  33. Plans !
  34. cmotech
  35. Greate Blender Game Engine (BGE) game - ( Yo Frankie )
  36. How to install Google Chromium
  37. Chm viewers
  38. Wake up !
  39. Successful upgrade ;)
  40. Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala installed, now what?!
  41. Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala - The Guided Tour
  42. Extend visual effects in compiz. More settings, more fun!
  43. Zain Connect with ubuntu 9.10
  44. gnome 3 soooooon
  45. salam!
  46. Upgrade to 9.10 using alternate CD
  47. Malicious Screensaver
  48. Microsoft Puts Windows 7 USB/DVD Tool under GPL
  49. [SOLVED] sudani dsl not work in karmic !!!
  50. How To Use Google Public DNS or OpenDNS in Ubuntu
  51. MP3 Tagging program
  52. openoffice: word processor
  53. CanarGo sms service
  54. How to check NTFS partition
  55. Amazing OTF & TTF fonts website
  56. Ubuntu Japanese manga series
  57. Puppy Linux- unbelievable
  58. Sabily (Ubuntu Muslim Edition)
  59. How to fix the Ubuntu GPG Error BADSIG
  60. Music Applet - GNOME panel applet to control several music players
  61. How to improve Sudan loco team ?
  62. Security in Linux- basics
  63. openoffice guides (.pdf)
  64. delete hidden APT archive files
  65. Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) Guide
  66. How to add Sabily repos to Ubuntu
  67. How to make GPG key ?
  68. Make Linux look awesome!
  69. Ubuntu Maunal
  70. KolourPaint
  71. Stardict dictionary
  72. On-board Arabic keyboard
  73. sources list generator
  74. DivX Converter 2.0 final
  75. Ubuntu Manual Survey
  76. The Ubuntu Search Engine
  77. What you have to do after installing Karmic ( Arabic )
  78. What is Ubuntu LoCo team & what they do ( Arabic )
  79. did you know about ubuntu user days?
  80. SMTP/ Cron مساعده
  81. SourceForge.net banned Sudan, Syria, Cuba, Iran and North Korea
  82. 60 Best Ubuntu / Gnome Themes
  83. Virtual machines:virtualbox : ونسة عن
  84. I need help with Downloading Ubuntu 9.10 ISO image
  85. How to send and receive your Hotmail messages through Evolution in karmic
  86. How to use Evolutions contacts in Thunderbird
  87. Great Xorg Resolution & Flickering problems guide
  88. Salam ..
  89. Why you aren't using our Local Arabic !
  90. Respectable Sudan ..
  91. [problem] Proxy on ubuntu
  92. Our own Ubuntu forum .. Soon
  93. Zain on zain-connect devices
  94. Our own Ubuntu forum .. Agree on not ?
  95. where's the forum's moderators !
  96. Monitor you Broadband usage
  97. Add Arabic & Persian support to the terminal
  98. How to use gnome-terminal instead of xterm in GNS3
  99. Announcing Ubuntu Open Week
  100. IDLELO 4 |17 - 21st May
  101. Ubuntu 10.04 Post-Install Guide: What to do and try after installing Lucid Lynx!
  102. Something together!
  103. TED Conference .. Ideas worth spreading
  104. Some Ubuntu programs won't install in Sudan
  105. Ubuntu Plus | Arabic Magazine #1
  106. How to move Maximize, Minimize & close buttons to the right in Lucid ?
  107. Sudanese Ubuntu community meeting !
  108. Ubuntu 10.04 ,, slower than 9.10 (Personal opinion)
  109. Zain connect (WM500) with ubuntu
  110. installing sudani
  111. Adding Sabily repository to Ubuntu using terminal ( CLI )
  112. sudani mdsl setup problems ..
  113. Sudani wireless datacard
  114. Use a Nokia phone to connect to internet using wvdial
  115. Use a Nokia phone to connect to internet using pppconfig
  116. Install usb_modeswitch from source code
  117. How to run Zain, Canar & Sudani modems in Ubuntu
  118. Radio Tray
  119. deb-thumbnailer
  120. Sakis3G
  121. Show system menu icons
  122. i need help - in ubuntu 10.10
  123. Upgrading Quizes
  124. Linux Firewall Tutorial: IPTables Tables, Chains, Rules Fundamentals
  125. My lovely community .. and people .. SALAM!
  126. Upgrade to Firefox 4 in Ubuntu 10.04 & 10.10
  127. Fix Firefox 4 history, bookmarks, back & forward button
  128. 5 Out of 11 Crashed Unity In Canonical's Study
  129. zain connect, sudani one connect works properly in 11.4
  130. ســــاعدوني على تنصيب ويندوز اكس بي مع أب
  131. سلسلة تعرف على البرمجيات الحرة
  132. Udev Notifier
  133. Nice Ubuntu Arabic book
  134. GUI tool for Sudani mDSL and Zain Connect
  135. 20th Anniversary of Linux Gallery Tour
  136. Windows 8 Certified Computers May Not Be Able To Boot Linux
  137. How to Install KDE in a GNOME Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
  138. [SOLVED] Sudani One info plz
  139. غير قادر على تسجيل الدخول بعد تعديل متغير
  140. Unable to start new display
  141. 11 Reasons why GIMP is better than photoshop (Arabic article)
  142. [SOLVED] Downloading VirtualBox Freely
  143. ubuntu 10.04 LTS hang on unpacking
  144. No Hibernate Service
  145. Back! Track .. Greeting
  146. problem in my monitor
  147. FOSS licenses (Arabic book)
  148. ubuntu in SATA HDD
  149. Ordering your 12.04 CDs for LoCo Teams is now available
  150. Rate your browser support to HTML5
  151. Free 3D games for Linux Finally ^_^
  152. The Debian Administrator's Handbook Edition 1
  153. Installing Apache2 With PHP5 And MySQL Support On Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (LAMP)
  154. Linux distributions with Necessary Safety Tools
  155. why is our team isn't listed at loco.ubuntu.com
  156. Maddog is coming to Sudan guyz ..
  157. install zte modem in ubuntu
  158. أرجو المساعده أعضاء فريق السودان
  159. Is there Qt4 courses in Sudan?
  160. Connect to OpenVPN service from Terminal & GUI
  161. [SOLVED] file package problem