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  1. Plymouth is gross IMO
  2. Bokeh Hearts Wallpaper Attempt
  3. Ubuntu Wallpaper :D
  4. Seeking help with html / CSS
  5. Simple 2d animation software
  6. Ubuntu CD Cover
  7. [Desktop] Ordinary Dust Sand
  8. we made a skin today
  9. Blender 2.5
  10. ubuntu theme for joomla cms
  11. Fashion Design Sotware?
  12. Themes like Windows 7
  13. Editing themes/icons
  14. Lucid lynx theme for wordpress
  15. low res, XO like icon themes or packs?
  16. Can gradients be applied to any gtk window themes?
  17. Ubuntu in space
  18. Index file for icon theme?
  19. [photography] Island map for game
  20. Found something cool re OpenBox
  21. ASCII Art in Fish (gnome-panel)
  22. Pencil - Can't find flash or movie files
  23. i remade our ubuntu laptop skin
  24. firefox desing concept & ireader
  25. How to make a "cosmos" background with gimp ?
  26. Specularity maps in POV-ray
  27. Create an object from selection (Inkscape)
  28. Counting Down to Ubuntu 10.10
  29. Basmalah Plymouth Theme
  30. Odd request - can I theme Lucid to look like Jaunty?
  31. My tux avatar
  32. PSD Mixed Web Elements
  33. Myriad Pro SemiBold for Ubuntu
  34. [photography] simple 16 bit image editor?
  35. [SOLVED] Show Off Your Desktop Thread
  36. Limited Time Only Custom Theme
  37. An Ubuntu 10.10 ilustration :)
  38. Ubuntu Forum fs
  39. I need a good art program for ubuntu
  40. [photography] Color managed workflow...
  41. Intro animation
  42. Dual boot grub2 wallpapers
  43. Making a website in Ubunut
  44. Fox Bubbles Icon
  45. [photography] deleting photos from a cf card
  46. Caricaturist asking your advice
  47. what one do you like the best -
  48. First blender model - myst planetarium
  49. New HAL-Style wallpaper
  50. Problem with FreeCAD
  51. New interface idea: One interface fits all
  52. Custom icons for specific apps
  53. Poll: Which design do you like the most (blueprints inside)?
  54. Fonts used on help.ubuntu pages
  55. Open source software that supports photoshop's adjustment layers?
  56. Blender Tux
  57. i have a problem in inkscape
  58. Any good software for sitemaping?
  59. Inkscape Tutorials
  60. Digikam Batch Queue Manager produces washed-out color
  61. Make GIMP work
  62. [SOLVED] Fonts for Inkscape
  63. Old Ubuntu wallpapers?
  64. BacktrackOrb Gnomenu Button
  65. Competition - ART - Windows or Linux - Best You can do
  66. [photography] pdfposter help: tile printing
  67. Icons in menu
  68. Ubuntu mono dock icons
  69. Graphics (paint-type) software using tablet
  70. [SOLVED] Tool to extract palette / color table from image
  71. My Wacom Pen tablet stopped working
  72. [SOLVED] white gtk theme
  73. Warm-Up exercises for Web Designers?
  74. How to change sidebar color in pcmanfm ?
  75. Ubuntu DVD Covers!!!!
  76. Pressure detection on Gimp
  77. what is the bar in the bottom called?! I can't remember! please help me!
  78. Gimp brush lag
  79. old goblinx themes?
  80. GIMP - GAP - OGV movie files
  81. Adobe's interface...Copyright?
  82. Halfway to a '90s Macintosh look (OS 8 or 9)
  83. Gimp question
  84. [SOLVED] PDF applications supporting Overprint Preview?
  85. Inkscape Problems
  86. faenza icon theme, get it in ubuntu?
  87. GNOME Shell Ambiance Light Theme
  88. Abiword: Embedded Advertisements
  89. [photography] Which Digital Camera?
  90. Easier package installing UI idea. Comments, please
  91. Software Center (Mock Up)
  92. Inkscape ruler issue...Ubuntu 10.10
  93. Animated background (moving eyes picture)
  94. Hybrid Ubuntu-Apple-Windows logo
  95. Cybershop CS4
  96. Ubuntu & Kubuntu DVD Covers
  97. G'MIC : a GIMP plugin
  98. please help me out
  99. [photography] My Maverick Meerkat's DVD Cover
  100. Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Trailer
  101. Lubuntu slogan
  102. [photography] Lubuntu t-shrit
  103. Need a simple photo program
  104. Lubuntu Art UPLOAD HERE
  105. Variations of Colors in Hex
  106. A subReddit devoted to linux photography
  107. Signature Help (Gimp)
  108. [photography] Strange little glitches in a Gimp pix..?
  109. [photography] RAW software...
  110. Blender 2.53 BGE refuses to render textures?
  111. Is there an analogy to Web X5 designer?
  112. [SOLVED] Ubuntu 10.04 cd label
  113. Gimp 2.7 start / menu shortcut
  114. [Wall] Organocatalytic Heart Response Engines O.C.H.R.E
  115. [photography] Concept Desktop
  116. Gnome Home icon
  117. [SOLVED] A decent font for Kubuntu
  118. Interactive Desktop Hints
  119. [SOLVED] Inkscape - How to get the outline of an object in a bitmap?
  120. Video Game Floorplans
  121. program bar? help
  122. Thoughts & Constructive Criticism - My Site
  123. Inkscape...3D
  124. [SOLVED] Need help figuring out a website issue.
  125. How to theme Ubuntu One folder icon
  126. Can you design a logo for my blog?
  127. WEB 2.0 PSD Designs collection for web designer
  128. Hello Fellows!!! Check Zis Out!!!
  129. Take a look at what I was able to achieve
  130. Is Canon "Dust Delete Data" compatible in linux software?
  131. Making PSD files safe for GIMP?
  132. Insightpoint
  133. [SOLVED] What's with GIMP batch processing? too complex!! help please?!
  134. panel vs notification/indication area
  135. How do I go back to the Lucid theme on Maverick?
  136. Good script font for all situations?
  137. Thin Titlebars
  138. Ideas
  139. my new website
  140. ImageMagick behaving strange with window option?
  141. [SOLVED] CAD required
  142. Humanity icon theme has some bitmap files with wrong extension names?
  143. Maverick Meerkat Wallpaper?
  144. Share New Wallpapers for Meerkat
  145. Facebook Profile Image
  146. [SOLVED] Browser compatibility - Chrome works, anything else doesn't.
  147. New Ubuntu font in the Terminal
  148. Center title in Ambiance theme for Ubuntu 10.10?
  149. Change default font to Ubuntu Font from command line in Gnome
  150. Dislike the purple and orange startup?
  151. Looking for a wallpaper
  152. Official Lucidity theme discussion thread
  153. Mp3 Thumbnails
  154. Maverick Themes on Lucid
  155. Basic query about DTP
  156. My New Xubuntu 10.10 Deskop
  157. Turn Windows titles from centered to left aligned in Theme?
  158. how to: appearance settings - icons - themes
  159. screen resolution/size
  160. Emerald button art
  161. Ubuntu 10.10 DVD Cover
  162. i need some help with font type
  163. [photography] Jooria Web Design Resources
  164. Making part of an existing image partially transparent in GIMP
  165. Ubuntu and Design Suit
  166. Powered By Ubuntu Sticker
  167. [SOLVED] openbox theming
  168. Kubuntu 10.10 DVD Cover
  169. I could really use some input on my new theme.
  170. Looking to identify this Metacity theme.
  171. Install Photoshop CS2 on Your Ubuntu PC
  172. Post a screenshot of your gnome-terminal!
  173. 60 most-excellent-ubuntu-wallpapers
  174. Software/commands to move & rename photos based on EXIF data or tags?
  175. what are good websites to find artistic non-geek inspired wallpaper thats somewhat mi
  176. Animation-videp
  177. [photography] Recompile linux into an install CD after redesign
  178. Text dripping in Gimp vs Inkscape
  179. Restoring default appearance from Xubuntu 10.04 Lucid
  180. Good Typefaces?
  181. Wan't to change the login screen
  182. [SOLVED] custom focus style in gtkrc
  183. My Work with the GIMP
  184. What's with the Ubuntu logo and the obsession with circles?
  185. Logo Desing Contest and Voting on Favorites
  186. I made these wallpapers for us.
  187. Is it okay to use the Lubuntu logo for my company logo?
  188. Mac OS Icons => Ubuntu Icons
  189. Would like to make cartoons
  190. Nasty Over site In Open Source Software (e.g. Ubuntu Software Centre)
  191. Where To Start
  192. MiniTube icon concept
  193. Looking for Graphics Designer who is interested in contributing to open source projec
  194. Problems with using browsers on Ubuntu for web design
  195. JACK help
  196. Ubuntu: Warthog to Meerkat
  197. Use Ubuntu font in non-Ubuntu distro?
  198. wallpaper
  199. inspired by Indian classical art - Purely hand made paintings using GIMP
  200. Letter spacing problem for azerty keyboard users
  201. Xubuntu 10.10 Lightscribe Template
  202. How do I know what the widget classes are?
  203. Brochure printings
  204. Bar idea....
  205. [SOLVED] Convert .png to .jpg with multiples photos how?
  206. Open source short.
  207. Desktop Concept/Mockup (Pic)
  208. mirror mirror on the wall what's the best image editor of them all
  209. Great opportunity for Adobe Creative Suite for Linux
  210. I need ideas for the logo on my website.
  211. How can we petition to bring Adobe creative software to Ubuntu?
  212. Hacking Canon cameras
  213. What are your favorite typefaces?
  214. Advertisement Idea for Ubuntu
  215. How to add Arabic fonts to libreoffice
  216. Longhorn Transformation Pack
  217. New icon for google chrome
  218. evince problem
  219. Request: Quick svg version of a very simple png
  220. looking for wallpaper
  221. Gimp: How can I fill a 16x16 square with incremental color values?
  222. Photoshop equivalent
  223. Flowchart design software
  224. Creating a Velvet Texture in Gimp?
  225. Ubuntu 11.10 Omniscient Octopus
  226. MS Paint....
  227. Can some one design a nice cover in visual art for my proposed book on Srichakra and
  228. Looking for things :)
  229. Gimp Going Down hill
  230. [photography] Win 7 and ubuntu 10.10
  231. I'm a web developer looking for a web designer
  232. A Few Custom Ubuntu Backgrounds
  233. Radiance in 10.10 but more compact theme ?
  234. Pimp my Macbook
  235. Chocolate Ubuntu Wallpaper
  236. Gimp paint studio
  237. [SOLVED] Grub2 Text Shadow
  238. Desktop Wallpapers
  239. [SOLVED] Combine images into a single image on commandline
  240. Retro Wallpapers
  241. Evolution Mail-List-Color in gtkrc?
  242. Ubuntu theme for Wordpress
  243. Linux Penguin Vs Windows (Again?)
  244. Save For Web in GIMP?
  245. Good CD/DVD Printer copier combo
  246. Scribus tooltips
  247. [SOLVED] Adding music to an already existing slideshot
  248. Diference Between Photoshop and gimp?
  249. Change keyboard layout Inkscape and Blender
  250. Different fonts in LXDE/OpenBox