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  1. Gimp Question - Automating crop/dropshadow with batch script
  2. missing gallery
  3. newbie can't get Wings3d to work in Ubuntu
  4. Gimp Question: How to make round corner images on gimp?
  5. "Lumen" Wallpaper - What do you think?
  6. Can you do this in gnome?
  7. Photoshop CS3 on ubuntu
  8. Pixel art applications?
  9. My first attempt at a theme + some problems
  10. My look at GIMP 2.5.x, two new much needed features
  11. Where is the gallery?
  12. Gnom look themes
  13. Gimp's capability in photo editing
  14. Hardy Boyz Wallpaper
  15. GIMP tutorial requests made by me
  16. [SOLVED] GIMP crashes loading brushes
  17. Seeking opinions on the colors
  18. I need some help with a wip theme
  19. first site using quata+ - feedback request
  20. What Color Do You Think Ubuntu Should Be?
  21. [SOLVED] Photoshop Question
  22. Gimp vs Krita, Inkscape vs Karbon14
  23. Readability on the GNOME Desktop
  24. black screen in poser 7
  25. Wacom Pen
  26. Ubuntu Girl Wallpaper-Made by me
  27. Best Theme?
  28. monitor color profile
  29. Digital modeling on a professional level?
  30. Ubuntu Logo in 3D
  31. WANTED: "4-D" Garden design/walk-through
  32. realflow and ubuntu
  33. [SOLVED] Top Ten Gimp Scripts to download?
  34. My 2 favorite Custom Themes I have on my desktop
  35. cd labler
  36. Cinepaint
  37. Ripped off name Heron and bird logo for your OS?
  38. 3D tux
  39. CAD / CAM software
  40. CPU usage graph background
  41. Help needed to design an XP look!
  42. Opening .ai (pdf) files ... ?
  43. GDM Expert
  44. how do I cut multiple layers in GIMP?
  45. Is GIMP able to cut layers simultaneously?
  46. Finished my first theme =D
  47. macbar look
  48. Software for multitrack audio production
  49. Intrepid Wallpaper Proposal
  50. Purple Haze Wallpaper
  51. [SOLVED] Newbie Gimp question.
  52. blender 2.46 - cloth simulation
  53. bryce 5.5, carrara 6, hexagon 2.5
  54. [Fix] poor quality of exporting Dia diagrams into .png format
  55. Need help with a web design project-
  56. learn web design online
  57. Need a web site button creator...
  58. HELP I need Illustrator
  59. Colored themes
  60. Need help with 40th Birthday Invitations
  61. Cannot get Gogh to run under 8.04
  62. Ubuntu walls
  63. Ubuntu Laptop Skin
  64. Where is our "Written on a Mac" button?
  65. Webpage questions
  66. ubuntu 3d in the GIMP !!
  67. Big Buck Bunny released!
  68. Aptana Install
  69. 'Extract Tool' in GIMP
  70. [SOLVED] Find Picture Sun peeking from behind earth
  71. [SOLVED] Question about Ubuntu's background images
  72. An interview with Andrew Zabolotny about Lensfun
  73. Illustrator/Inkscape for web design
  74. Intrepid counter
  75. Ubuntu case labels :)
  76. Nubius of Uria
  77. what about this wallpaper?
  78. Website file sync - which app(s)?
  79. Theme Tutor Project
  80. new xfwm4 theme
  81. Xfce art
  82. How much more can this photo be touched up?
  83. [SOLVED] I need help cropping a video.
  84. [SOLVED] Need names for new theme manager app!
  85. U+Bun+Two
  86. Blender for ADHD?
  87. Haruhiism Splashscreen
  88. batch convert svg to png
  89. Decompose???
  90. Natural ubuntu wallpaper pack
  91. New GDM in Intrepid
  92. Is there a 'Free transform' for Gimp?
  93. I love to make patriotic Ubuntu Logo fan art. Do you?
  94. Do you like my new avatar?
  95. UbuntuOS Videos
  96. Inspiration from OpenSuse
  97. Isometric Pixel Art Editor - Looks like I'll have to make one myself!
  98. My first time using gimp
  99. blender help
  100. Clearer Thumbnails?
  101. Can GIMP import PSD
  102. New Electric Sheep Client, 2.7 beta
  103. [SOLVED] How to remove icon from metacity title-bar
  104. looking for photo calendar design program
  105. Maya 2008 collada plug-in
  106. modding GTK theme, need nautilus ui guru
  107. FInal Version of my Clear Mockup for Intrepid Ibex
  108. Company Logo
  109. Change shape of gnome panel?
  110. New NOU theme
  111. I just created a green version of the default Ubuntu icons if anyone wants it
  112. Vista HD Icon for Ubuntu?
  113. Upgrade, or Debian?
  114. [SOLVED] Anniversary Invitations
  115. Professional Quality Graphics Program
  116. [SOLVED] How do I get the emerald theme?
  117. Managing your font collection across multiple enviroments (linux,wine and XP VM)
  118. Ubuntu Armenia
  119. Wallpaper Slideshows
  120. PS 7 in wine...need to copy directories over?
  121. I'm need to make an animated gif with transitions/wipes?
  122. Open Movie Editor
  123. Bubble photos, great for backgrounds
  124. Ubuntu Artwork
  125. Programming against design, who is the best?
  126. Linux Stickers for printing (link)
  127. Ubuntu Cd Artwork (5.10 to 8.04)
  128. Userbar. tell me what you think.
  129. Problem with Spry menu in Explorer 6.0 - any one can help??
  130. Ubuntu screensaver
  131. What happened to my GImp?
  132. extracting the line art from a vector image....?
  133. Special Request for a Designer
  134. [SOLVED] How hard is Gimp?
  135. Ubuntu ... start here
  136. Blender Issue
  137. Getting PaintShopPro-.PSP files to work on GIMP
  138. Wallpapers/Images???
  139. Dust Removal in Gimp
  140. Antialias & free rotate tool in gimp
  141. Just a little token of my appreciation
  142. Font's in GIMP?
  143. Is it possible to create material files to use in Blender?
  144. futuristic desktop environment? Not yet...
  145. [SOLVED] GIMP questions
  146. [SOLVED] Say Cheese!!! (then how to edit???)
  147. My first Gimp Image
  148. Batch raw converter
  149. CSS template for one download software website
  150. Bluefish/Quanta Plus/Nvu - Which can have the closest Dreamweaver workflow?
  151. Maya batch render problem
  152. Problem editing OpenOffice Draw template
  153. Ibex alpha
  154. nice?
  155. Transitioning from FrontPage/Windows to [?]/Ubuntu
  156. Daft Punk Wallpaper
  157. Logo Design Contest (for a FOSS program)
  158. Wallpaper competition?
  159. Can you help me make my own emerald theme?
  160. Gimp 2.5.1
  161. Website for a friend?
  162. my first try with gimp
  163. Dreamware Logo
  164. The new Ubuntu Web Presence Team
  165. [SOLVED] Recommend a tablet
  166. Application resize photo
  167. Save theme (+deb)
  168. [SOLVED] newbie needs help
  169. Steampunk/victorian gui
  170. XP Usplash theme
  171. Deviantart competition?
  172. Ubuntu (8.04 & 8.04.1) Nautilus still renders transparent images with black border?
  173. SVG and Windows woes
  174. GTK2 Murrine Theme Coder(s) Wanted for "Long Term Vision" (LTV) theme
  175. [SOLVED] Newbie needs web site help.
  176. Blender/Gen3 - any new updates
  177. New theme for Intrepid in need of testing and criticism
  178. Intrepid Ibex Art Wiki Pages
  179. creating icon themess
  180. Realistic art.....
  181. Best opensource graphical image editor/creator
  182. Open source alternative to Adobe Designer?
  183. Hydrogen
  184. For you KDE/Kubuntu fans..
  185. some nice paintings to share
  186. Regarding tablet settings...
  187. Clairo
  188. Dapper Ubuntu Icons Help
  189. Xara Xtreme Splash Screen Location?
  190. making 3D characters
  191. Animation tools
  192. Are they going to change theme in II alpha 2?
  193. Sharing some of my artworks
  194. [SOLVED] Seamless tiling in GIMP?
  195. How to obtain this photo with Gimp?
  196. How does your desktop look like?
  197. Any application for create webpage..??
  198. An Open badge!
  199. A GUI to making Metacity themes?
  200. Adobe RGB
  201. Ubuntu Hardy theme for SE W950 / UIQ phones
  202. Dell M1330 LED Monitor Profiles, Huey Pro Generated
  203. GIMP, 8.04, and a Wacom 6x11... Tips for a newb?
  204. Mystery Distro Logo...
  205. [SOLVED] Installing Mypaint? Noob here.
  206. Blender making web icons...
  207. Will Linux ever take photography seriously?
  208. Recoloured Hardy Heron Background (mist theme)?
  209. Need help with Metacity/GTK2 or someone to colaborate with
  210. Not working- Flash MX :(
  211. Fisheye lens in Gimp?
  212. Sounds or no sounds?
  213. Human with Mist / Clearlooks colouring?
  214. Intrepid Ibex Wallpaper Mock-up
  215. Help with Gimp
  216. New Kubuntu Wallpaper (Ubuntu wallpaper turned blue)
  217. What would ya artists/designers suggest for... 3D maps...
  218. Graphics program to replace Photosuite
  219. Kin Intrepid
  220. Gimp "Fit" help
  221. GIMP Pixelation / Block / 8bit
  222. Need some help with F/spot
  223. Help Needed : Community Project (conky)
  224. Gnome-look.org down?
  225. Interpid Ibex theme
  226. Need help creating a GCM login screen.
  227. what is the best Linux video deinterlacer?
  228. Ubuntu Studio user art section update
  229. Kubuntu Orange/Black
  230. A new Window Manager
  231. [SOLVED] are there Theme design tutorials
  232. Stupid Gimp >_>
  233. Intrepid Ibex official brown artwork. Opinions.
  234. [SOLVED] Is there a right click jpeg picture resizer add in?
  235. Leaves with Ubuntu
  236. Wingding fonts for Conky
  237. How hard would it be to actually create this?
  238. [Request]Youtube Channel banners
  239. Xara LX exporting "jagged" vectors
  240. quasi 3d pictures
  241. My Cedega Icon
  242. Deleting Metadata
  243. the spacerman (for wordpress themes)
  244. Rhythmbox mockup
  245. [SOLVED] blender help
  246. I didn't know where to submit this...
  247. BSP/MAP Editor
  248. Wallpaper pack
  249. To those who still searching for free web hosting...
  250. Gimp's pressure sensitivity